Working with a Realtor will help you make the best choices, buying or selling
Wouldn’t it be great if you could apply spam filters to things in your life other than email? There are so many situations where we’ve got to figure out what’s real and what’s hype. Take buying or selling a home, for instance.
Are you buying a home? You’ve got to sift through conflicting information to figure out if you’re getting a good deal. Are you selling your home? There are plenty of rabbit holes out there to snag your attention and waste your time – such as potential buyers who either aren’t qualified or weren’t even serious about buying in the first place. If only you could apply a spam filter. That’s exactly what you do when you work with a Realtor.
1. In-depth knowledge and training
The Internet has made us extremely self-sufficient. We’re no longer out of luck when a household appliance stops working. We can go online, watch a YouTube video, and fix it ourselves. This is an excellent approach to responsibility, but it doesn’t work for everything.
There’s an amazing amount of information about buying and selling homes online. So, why can’t we just apply the DIY approach to this effort, too?
Let’s stick with the analogy of the broken appliance. In a worst-case scenario, you try to fix it yourself and it still doesn’t work. You end up calling an appliance repair company, who send out a trained professional to fix the problem. He or she has specific and expert knowledge about fixing household appliances just like yours. They’re even certified.
The attempt might cost you a few hundred dollars. It might sting a bit, but it’s not a major disaster.
The potential loss if you mess up with a DIY approach to buying or selling real estate could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the price of the home. If you make a mistake, it might not be easily fixed by someone else.
Realtors are highly trained professionals who specialize in helping their clients buy and sell their homes. They must be certified and registered to do this. They follow a code of ethics, and their success depends on yours.
2. Navigational assistance
Buying or selling a home requires a lot of confusing forms. Some are reports that you must acknowledge you’ve read and understood. Others are disclosures that can make you liable for damages if inappropriately handled. Seldom is a real estate transaction a matter of “what you see is what you get.”
Realtors deal with these technical documents daily. Like many industries, real estate is populated with a collection of mysterious acronyms and plenty of jargon. You don’t want to make assumptions about any of it. Realtors speak this language fluently. They are your expert translator, and they’ll help you navigate your way to a successful real estate transaction.
This translation, by the way, is done objectively. Your Realtor has access to crucial data on properties, zoning, utilities, and other relevant information that factor into buying or selling a home. They use this data to help you form decisions and opinions based on fact, so you’re not making an emotion-based purchase or sale that you may regret later.
3. Search expert
Back to spam filters. Don’t you wish there was an easy way to sift through all the irrelevant results you get when you use a search engine like Google? You’re pretty sure you’re missing some good information because you don’t know how or where to look for it, and you’re also sure that much of what’s suggested is woefully out of date.
Working with a Realtor gives you the ability to apply filters that cut through the stuff that doesn’t matter. Realtors have access to information about available properties that aren’t actively advertised, meaning you would never find them on your own. If you’re selling a home, they have access to multiple listing services that make getting the word out there a virtual no-brainer. And many of these services only list homes that are represented by a licensed Realtor.
You can buy or sell a home without a Realtor, but it’s not a simple process. The consequences of a wrong step can obliterate any savings opportunity. “Do it yourself and save” is not recommendation homebuyers and home sellers associate with these complex transactions.
If you want personalized customer experience in your next real estate transaction, Dante DiSabato is the right choice. He will ensure the buying or selling process goes smoothly from start to finish. Let his unique knowledge of the industry and area work for you. Contact us to get started.
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